God Wants Us to Live Forever Abiding in Him and Doing His Will ㅡ
“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.”
(1 John 3:1)
As we see everyone busy in this life we see that everyone has an object.
Some have their eyes turned away from the law of God to things of minor interest; but yet God presents before us the love of His infinite Son.
He presents before us that which He has given for the salvation of the fallen world.
And He tells us the world did not know Him.
And why? Because the cares of this world occupy all the faculties of the mind.
The affections are centered just where the mind is.
So notwithstanding the love of God that was manifested for us, notwithstanding He did not withhold His only begotten Son that our affections might be centered on things above, notwithstanding all the sacrifice that has been made for the fallen race, notwithstanding He has placed before each of us a crown of immortality that shall not fade away, that He has promised us a place where Christ and angels shall meet us, notwithstanding there is an eternal weight of glory waiting the faithful; yet notwithstanding all this, for the fleeting pleasures of this earth, the world throws away these things of eternal interest.
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”
(1 John 2:15-17)
(Sermons and Talks Volume Two 48)
일본에 주재원으로 23년 살다온 친구가 12월 초에 일본으로 여행을 갔다가 어느 선술집 벽에 있는 낙서를 사진으로 찍어서 번역해준 건데 웃기면서도 의미가 심장합니다. 여러분과 공유하고 싶습니다. 두 줄 읽고 웃고, 두 줄 읽고 무릎 치고... 와, 뭔가 조금은 통달한 '꾼'이 끄적거린 거 같습니다. 사랑에 빠(溺)지는 18세 욕탕서 빠(溺)지는 81세 도로를 폭주하는 18세 도로를 역주행하는 81세 마음이 연약한 18세 온뼈가 연약한 81세 두근거림 안멈추는 18세 심장질환 안멈추는 81세 사랑에 숨막히는 18세 떡먹다 숨막히는 81세 수능점수 걱정하는 18세 '혈당/압'치 걱정의 81세 아직 아무것 모르는 18세 벌써 아무것 기억無 81세 자기를 찾겠다는 18세 모두가 자기를 찾고 있는 81세. ———-!———!—— 몸에좋고 인생에 좋은 피자 열판 보내드립니다. 계산은 제가 하겠습니다. 허리피자 가슴피자 어깨피자 얼굴피자 팔다리피자 주름살피자 내형편피자 내인생피자 내팔자피자 웃음꽃피자 오늘부턴 신년까지 늘 웃음과 행복한 일만 가득하세요.**
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