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April at the Getty

The Getty: A world of art, research, conservation, and philanthropy
Bear Hunt (detail), A.D. 300–400, Baiae, Italy. Stone tesserae. The J. Paul Getty Museum

New This Month

Combat Between Dares and Entellus, A.D. 175-200, Villelaure, France. Stone and glass tessarae. The J. Paul Getty Museum

Roman Mosaics Across the Empire

March 30–September 12, 2016 | The Getty Villa
This exhibition explores elaborate mosaic floors that transformed entire rooms into spectacular settings of vibrant color, figural imagery, and geometric design at the height of the Roman empire. Scenes from mythology, daily life, the natural world, and spectacles in the arena are presented, along with the contexts of their discovery across Rome's expanding empire—from its center in Italy to provinces in North Africa, southern Gaul, and ancient Syria.

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Continuing This Month

Andy Warhol, 1983, Robert Mapplethorpe. Gelatin silver print. Promised Gift of The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation to The J. Paul Getty Trust and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. © Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation

Robert Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Medium

Through July 31, 2016 | The Getty Center
Featuring iconic images of celebrity friends, classicizing nudes, and elegant still lifes, this exhibition celebrates Mapplethorpe's enduring and provocative legacy. Concurrent presentations at the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art highlight different aspects of the artist's complex personality.

Support for this exhibition and its international tour has been provided by the Terra Foundation for American Art. The Getty Museum's presentation is sponsored by Sotheby's.

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Rita de Acosta Lydig, negative 1913; print 1914, Baron Adolf De Meyer. Gelatin silver print. The J. Paul Getty Museum

The Thrill of the Chase: The Wagstaff Collection of Photographs

Through July 31, 2016 | The Getty Center
In 1973, former museum curator Samuel J. Wagstaff Jr. began collecting photographs at the urging of his lover Robert Mapplethorpe. Over the next decade, Wagstaff assembled one of the most important private collections of photographs in the world, becoming the public face of photography as fine art until he sold the collection to the Getty Museum in 1984. This exhibition presents a selection of masterpieces alongside less well-known works that Wagstaff believed were deserving of attention.

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Mephistopheles Aloft, 1827, published 1828, Eugène Delacroix. Lithograph on wove paper. Courtesy of and © Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts

Noir: The Romance of Black in 19th-Century French Drawings and Prints

Through May 15, 2016 | The Getty Center
The range and availability of black drawing materials exploded with the Industrial Revolution, along with new techniques. This exhibition examines the inspiration that artists drew from their materials, and their expression of darkness in all its imaginative and narrative associations. Works are drawn from the Museum's permanent collection and loans from private and public Los Angeles collections.

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Winter, Cybele Begs for the Sun’s Return (detail), 1692–93, design by Pierre Mignard; woven at the Gobelins Manufactory, Paris. Wool, silk, and gilt metal-wrapped thread. Courtesy of and © Le Mobilier National. Photo by Lawrence Perquis

Woven Gold: Tapestries of Louis XIV

Through May 1, 2016 | The Getty Center
The Sun King, Louis XIV of France (reigned 1643–1715), formed the greatest collection of tapestries in early modern Europe. The monumental works were meticulously woven by hand with wool, silk, and precious metal-wrapped thread, after designs by the best artists. With rare loans from the Mobilier National, this major exhibition presents a selection of grand tapestries that evoke the brilliance of the Sun King's court.

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2016 Getty Medal Honorees

what image shows

The J. Paul Getty Trust will award its highest honor to musician Yo-Yo Ma and, posthumously, to artist Ellsworth Kelly at a celebratory dinner this fall. The J. Paul Getty Medal was established in 2013 by the trustees of the J. Paul Getty Trust to honor extraordinary contributions to the practice, understanding, and support of the arts.


Riyaaz Qawwali. Courtesy of Asia Society Texas Center

Sounds of L.A.: Riyaaz Qawwali

Saturday, April 9, 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 10, 4:00 p.m. | The Getty Center
Austin-based Riyaaz Qawwali is committed to sharing a centuries-old devotional genre with new audiences around the globe. Reflecting the extraordinary cultural landscape of South Asia, the ensemble comprises musicians hailing from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. At the heart of their performances are sacred poems of love and longing. Free; advance ticket required.

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Villa Theater Lab: The Archer from Malis

Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16, 8:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, April 16 and 17, 3:00 p.m. | The Getty Villa
In this bold reimagining of Sophocles' Philoctetes—set in a Hunger Games–inspired dystopia and employing nontraditional casting in terms of gender, ethnicity, and disability—Odysseus orders young Neoptolemus, daughter of Achilles, to trick Philoctetes into joining the Greeks to assure their victory of the Trojan War. Tickets $7.

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Mosaic detail showing head of a Greek royal figure/military commander discovered at Huqoq. Photo: Jim Haberman

Samson in Stone: New Discoveries in the Ancient Synagogue at Huqoq in Israel's Galilee

Sunday, April 3, 3:00 p.m. | The Getty Villa
Excavations in the ancient village of Huqoq in Israel's Galilee have brought to light the remains of a monumental 5th-century Roman synagogue paved with stunning and unique mosaics, including depictions of the biblical hero Samson. In this illustrated presentation, excavation director Jodi Magness describes these exciting finds. Free; advance ticket required.

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Tapestry for The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles (detail). Photo: John Nava

Making Tapestries Now: Digital Jacquard and a Renewed Form

Sunday, April 3, 4:00 p.m. | The Getty Center
Artist John Nava talks about his experiences using new weaving technology to create the tapestries for the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, the largest collection hanging in a Catholic place of worship in the United States. Free; advance ticket required.

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Leaf from the Morgan Picture Bible (detail), about 1250. French. Tempera colors, gold leaf, and ink on parchment. The J. Paul Getty Museum, Ms. Ludwig I 6

A Medieval Picture Book and Its Judeo-Persian Lives: The "Shah Abbas Bible" in 17th-Century Safavid Iran

Tuesday, April 19, 7:00 p.m. | The Getty Center
In 1608, Pope Clement VIII sent a 13th-century picture bible to Shah Abbas the Great. Later, marginal text in Persian and Judeo-Persian was added. Sussan Babaie, Andrew W. Mellon Lecturer in the Arts of Iran and Islam at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, recounts the story of this unique document. Free; advance ticket required.

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Preparing Antikythera Shipwreck ceramic artifacts for recovery. Brett Seymour EUA/ARGO 2015

Return to Antikythera: Re-excavating an Ancient Greek Shipwreck

Sunday, April 24, 3:00 p.m. | The Getty Villa
Project co-director Brendan Foley presents the latest discoveries from recent excavations of the Antikythera shipwreck. Working in partnership with colleagues from the Hellenic Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities and using advanced underwater technology, Foley shares findings that overturn conventional wisdom about the vessel and portray a calamity akin to the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Free; advance ticket required.

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For a complete list of daily activities at the Getty Center and Getty Villa, please see our event calendar »

From The Getty Store

Gift With Purchase

Receive a complimentary boxed set of Seeing the Getty Center and Seeing the Getty Gardens (retail value $21.95) with any purchase of $50 or more at our online store. This handsome set includes two of our most popular publications, featuring beautiful color photographs of the Getty Center and its gardens—a perfect memento for those who have enjoyed a trip to the Getty, and a visual tour for those who have yet to visit. Offer good through April 5, 2016.

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어느 선술집 벽에 있는 낙서/일본

일본에 주재원으로 23년 살다온 친구가 12월 초에 일본으로 여행을 갔다가 어느 선술집 벽에 있는 낙서를 사진으로 찍어서 번역해준 건데 웃기면서도 의미가 심장합니다. 여러분과 공유하고 싶습니다. 두 줄 읽고 웃고, 두 줄 읽고 무릎 치고... 와, 뭔가 조금은 통달한 '꾼'이 끄적거린 거 같습니다.  사랑에 빠(溺)지는 18세  욕탕서 빠(溺)지는 81세  도로를 폭주하는 18세  도로를 역주행하는 81세  마음이 연약한 18세  온뼈가 연약한  81세  두근거림 안멈추는 18세  심장질환 안멈추는 81세  사랑에 숨막히는 18세  떡먹다 숨막히는 81세  수능점수 걱정하는 18세  '혈당/압'치 걱정의 81세 아직 아무것 모르는 18세 벌써 아무것 기억無 81세  자기를 찾겠다는 18세  모두가 자기를 찾고 있는  81세. ———-!———!—— 몸에좋고 인생에 좋은 피자 열판 보내드립니다. 계산은 제가 하겠습니다. 허리피자 가슴피자 어깨피자 얼굴피자 팔다리피자 주름살피자 내형편피자 내인생피자 내팔자피자 웃음꽃피자 오늘부턴 신년까지 늘 웃음과 행복한 일만 가득하세요.**

🌶 고 추 장  🌶

🌶 고 추 장  🌶 고추장에 관해서 특별한 체험이 있다. 뜻하지 않게 갈비뼈가 부러져 응급실에 실려갔을 때의 일이다. 한개도 아니고 열개씩이나 골절되어 꼼짝달싹을 못하고 아편으로 통증을 겨우 견디고 있었다. 그런데 혈압이 올라가고 혈당이 올라가 혼수지경에 이르니 보통의 문제가 아니었다.   아내도 어떻해서든지 날 살려보려고  정성을 다해 음식을 해왔지만 모두가  헛수고일 뿐이었다. 나 또한 집사람을  혼자 살게 만들면 천벌을 받겠기에 열심히 음식을 먹으려 애를 썼지만 구역질만 더 할 뿐이었다. 여행다닐 때 고추장 단지를 꾀차고 다니며 햄버거에 발라먹던 생각이 나서 고추장을 가져다달라고 부탁했다. 고추장을 죽에 넣어 먹으니 신통하게 잘 넘어가는데 그 맛 또한 기가막혀 부글거리는 뱃속까지 편안해졌다. 덕분에 문병오는 사람마다 고추장 단지를 가져오는 바람에  고추장 벼락을 맞을 지경이 되었다. 그 후로는 고추장 단지가 내 식탁에 주인이 되었다.   고추장에 무슨 성분이 들어 있고 무슨  작용을 하는지는 몰라도 신통하기 짝이 없었다. 소태 같던 입맛이 꿀맛이요,  구역질도 잠잠해지고 느글거리던  뱃속까지 고분고분 고추장말을 잘 들으니 과연 고추장의 위력이 대단하다. 내 미국 친구들이 겨울만 되면 단골처럼 감기로 골골대고 있을 때 나는 감기가  뭔지도 모르고 지내고 있다.  그들이 날보고 너는 어떻게 감기 한 번 안걸리냐고 묻는다. 그때마다 "내가  건강한 것은 김치 파워야.  너희들도 김치를 먹어라." 하고  자랑을 했는데 이제는 고추장의 효능이 또 하나의 자랑거리가 되었다. 어린 아기를 달랠 때 호랑이 나온다 하면 뚝 그치고, 순사 온다 하면 뚝 그치듯이 뱃속이 앙탈을 부리면 고추장 먹는다  하면 조용해 질 것 같다.  고추는 남미와 아프리카가 원산지란다. 고추의 매운 맛은 알카로이드의 일종인 캡사이신 때문이란다. 이 캡사이신이  자극을 주어 발효작용을 해서 감기 열을 내리기도 하고 위도 자극해서 위액 분비를 촉진해...


疾風知勁草(질풍지경초) 모진 바람이 불 때라야  강한 풀을 알 수 있다. 어렵고 위험한 처지를 겪어봐야 인간의 진가를 알 수 있다. 인생은 난관과 역경으로 가득 차 있고, 인간세상은 염량세태라서 잘 나갈 때는 사람들이 구름같이 몰려들지만 몰락할 때는 썰물처럼 빠져 나가기 마련이다. 추사 김정희선생님의 세한도 (歲寒圖)를 보면 공자의 이런 말씀이 적혀 있다. 歲寒然後 (세한연후) 知松柏之後彫也 (지송백지후조야) 날씨가 추워진 후라야 소나무와 잣나무가 다른 나무보다 뒤늦게 시든다는 것을 안다 집안이 가난할 때라야 좋은 아내가 생각나고 세상이 어지러울 때라야 충신을 알아볼 수 있다. 지금 아픈 것은 아름다워지기 위함이다! 아름다운 종소리를 더 멀리 보내려면 종(鐘)이 더 아파야 한다 셰익스피어는 이렇게 말했다 "아플 때 우는 것은 삼류이고 아플 때 참는 것은 이류이고 아픔을 즐기는 것이 일류 인생이다" 그래서 이렇게 기도해 본다 서로에게 믿음주고 서로가 하나되는 삶을 살게 하소서! 물질적 부자가 아닌 마음의 부자로 살아가게 하시고 물질로 얻은 행복보다 사랑으로 다져진 참사랑으로 살게 하시고 머리로 생각하고  가슴으로 느끼는 아름다운 사랑으로 꽃피우게 하소서!