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When health foods can be dangerous..

Health eTalk with the Bel Marra Doctors

Monday, April 27, 2015

89% of participants get relief from heartburn. You can too
If you've been taking antacids regularly, you'll be shocked to know antacids destroy healthy stomach acid that's vital for digestion.
For real relief from heartburn and acidity, you need to protect your stomach lining without disrupting normal acid levels.
Researchers have formulated a natural breakthrough that does just that. Studies show the ingredients in this formula helped to reduce heartburn in 89% of people who tried it.
To know more about this amazing formula, Click Here.

When health foods can be dangerous...
Dear Health eTalk Reader,
Ever heard the phrase, "Too much of a good thing?" Well, it even applies to eating too much of what are deemed "healthy foods." You may feel good that your diet consists of dark leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, but you can actually be overindulging in these healthy foods. In turn, they can harm you.
As it goes with most everything in life, moderation is the key, and healthy foods are not immune to this rule either.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about promoting healthy eating and believe that healthy foods can keep us well and strong. But just be weary if you're enjoying too much of any of these items.
If it was good for Popeye, it must be good for us! I'm sure when you were growing up spinach was pushed at you time and again. Now that you're older, you can appreciate it as a healthy food and a staple to a healthy diet. Unfortunately, though, even too much spinach can be bad for you (maybe Popeye should have seen a doctor at some point).
Spinach is a beneficial health food as it's packed with protein, fiber and other vitamins and nutrients. Spinach is also high in oxalate – naturally found in food and the body. Too much oxalate can lead to kidney stones, and those who are prone to kidney stones should moderate their intake of not only spinach, but other foods that contain high amounts of oxalate.
This one may shock you, but you can have too much water. You've probably been told that your urine should be clear, but if it's always clear, it means you're having too much water. Excessive amounts of water can lead to water intoxication - yes, too much water is actually toxic.
Our bodies contain sodium which is useful for everyday bodily functions. Excessive water dilutes this sodium causing it to lower dramatically. When our sodium levels are off, bodily functions start to become impaired, like our brain function, for example.
The Mayo Clinic recommends for healthy adult males, they consume about 13 cups (3 liters) a day, where healthy females can have about nine cups (2.2 liters). Generally speaking, unless you're training for a marathon or forcing yourself to drink plenty of water, water intoxication is quite rare, but it is something to think about!
Canned tuna
Any food item that is in a can is easy to store, low on budget, and easy to eat as well, so canned tuna is a great way to get in some omega-3s. Tuna itself is a healthy fish if eaten in moderation. Because tuna is a larger fish, it often eats many varieties of smaller fish, which in turn absorbs their mercury levels and toxins. Overeating the canned variety can put you at risk for high mercury levels.
High amounts of mercury in the body can lead to brain, heart, kidney, brain and immune problems. The effects of high mercury can be worse in those with weaker immune systems, like children and seniors. Some symptoms of excessive mercury are loss of vision, muscle weakness, and impairment in speech and hearing.
Another threat in your canned tuna is the can itself. Although bisphenol A (BPA) has been targeted as a toxic substance and companies are working to remove it from their plastic bottles and cans, even BPA's replacement – BPS – can mimic estrogen, causing it to be harmful.
If you want to enjoy canned tuna, try not to have it more than three times a week, and when possible opt for fresh tuna instead.
Acidic fruits
You would never think that having too much fruit could be a bad thing, but fruits like oranges and tomatoes, which are highly acidic, can be. Their acid, by consuming them over a long period of time in high amounts, can lead to acid reflux. Over time, this acid reflux could lead to potential illnesses like Barrett's esophagus – a condition where the esophagus becomes lined with lesions which can be precancerous.
If you already have some form of reflux, it's best to limit or stay away from acidic foods. For those who don't have acid reflux, moderating how much of these types of fruits you enjoy is key to prevent future issues.
All is well in moderation
As you probably already know, the secret to overall healthy living is eating well and exercising, but both must be done in moderation. All things in life can be enjoyed as long as they are in healthy amounts – healthy foods included. Sometimes we become so confident in foods that have been deemed healthy that we even forget that they, too, can be too much of a good thing.
So as you continue on your healthy living, remember to always have variety and don't over-indulge on certain items. Variety is the spice of life, after all!
Yours in Good Health,

Victor Marchione, M.D.


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일본에 주재원으로 23년 살다온 친구가 12월 초에 일본으로 여행을 갔다가 어느 선술집 벽에 있는 낙서를 사진으로 찍어서 번역해준 건데 웃기면서도 의미가 심장합니다. 여러분과 공유하고 싶습니다. 두 줄 읽고 웃고, 두 줄 읽고 무릎 치고... 와, 뭔가 조금은 통달한 '꾼'이 끄적거린 거 같습니다.  사랑에 빠(溺)지는 18세  욕탕서 빠(溺)지는 81세  도로를 폭주하는 18세  도로를 역주행하는 81세  마음이 연약한 18세  온뼈가 연약한  81세  두근거림 안멈추는 18세  심장질환 안멈추는 81세  사랑에 숨막히는 18세  떡먹다 숨막히는 81세  수능점수 걱정하는 18세  '혈당/압'치 걱정의 81세 아직 아무것 모르는 18세 벌써 아무것 기억無 81세  자기를 찾겠다는 18세  모두가 자기를 찾고 있는  81세. ———-!———!—— 몸에좋고 인생에 좋은 피자 열판 보내드립니다. 계산은 제가 하겠습니다. 허리피자 가슴피자 어깨피자 얼굴피자 팔다리피자 주름살피자 내형편피자 내인생피자 내팔자피자 웃음꽃피자 오늘부턴 신년까지 늘 웃음과 행복한 일만 가득하세요.**

🌶 고 추 장  🌶

🌶 고 추 장  🌶 고추장에 관해서 특별한 체험이 있다. 뜻하지 않게 갈비뼈가 부러져 응급실에 실려갔을 때의 일이다. 한개도 아니고 열개씩이나 골절되어 꼼짝달싹을 못하고 아편으로 통증을 겨우 견디고 있었다. 그런데 혈압이 올라가고 혈당이 올라가 혼수지경에 이르니 보통의 문제가 아니었다.   아내도 어떻해서든지 날 살려보려고  정성을 다해 음식을 해왔지만 모두가  헛수고일 뿐이었다. 나 또한 집사람을  혼자 살게 만들면 천벌을 받겠기에 열심히 음식을 먹으려 애를 썼지만 구역질만 더 할 뿐이었다. 여행다닐 때 고추장 단지를 꾀차고 다니며 햄버거에 발라먹던 생각이 나서 고추장을 가져다달라고 부탁했다. 고추장을 죽에 넣어 먹으니 신통하게 잘 넘어가는데 그 맛 또한 기가막혀 부글거리는 뱃속까지 편안해졌다. 덕분에 문병오는 사람마다 고추장 단지를 가져오는 바람에  고추장 벼락을 맞을 지경이 되었다. 그 후로는 고추장 단지가 내 식탁에 주인이 되었다.   고추장에 무슨 성분이 들어 있고 무슨  작용을 하는지는 몰라도 신통하기 짝이 없었다. 소태 같던 입맛이 꿀맛이요,  구역질도 잠잠해지고 느글거리던  뱃속까지 고분고분 고추장말을 잘 들으니 과연 고추장의 위력이 대단하다. 내 미국 친구들이 겨울만 되면 단골처럼 감기로 골골대고 있을 때 나는 감기가  뭔지도 모르고 지내고 있다.  그들이 날보고 너는 어떻게 감기 한 번 안걸리냐고 묻는다. 그때마다 "내가  건강한 것은 김치 파워야.  너희들도 김치를 먹어라." 하고  자랑을 했는데 이제는 고추장의 효능이 또 하나의 자랑거리가 되었다. 어린 아기를 달랠 때 호랑이 나온다 하면 뚝 그치고, 순사 온다 하면 뚝 그치듯이 뱃속이 앙탈을 부리면 고추장 먹는다  하면 조용해 질 것 같다.  고추는 남미와 아프리카가 원산지란다. 고추의 매운 맛은 알카로이드의 일종인 캡사이신 때문이란다. 이 캡사이신이  자극을 주어 발효작용을 해서 감기 열을 내리기도 하고 위도 자극해서 위액 분비를 촉진해...

우리 아버지 마음 (실 화 (實話))

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